The Bell of Amherst

“Hey Alex!” you called, from the corner

By the High Horse sign.

I saw you, but was deep

In distraction, talking to a friend

Who’s still here now.

“Hey mom, look, it’s Ben’s brother!” always came next

Now it won’t.


You died in a car crash, far away.

Surrounded by friends, at least

Doing exciting things

Having adventures.

For you, it seemed joy and wonder

Hid around every corner

Where the faces

Of friends new and old

Waited to be smiled at.


Ripped away.

Torn from the fabric of this place.

Leaving but one question:

Why did I not give your brilliant pattern

More attention in my part of that fabric?


Emulating your warmth

Is not good enough, I

Want to see you walk around that corner again

So I can say “Meagan! Great to see you!

What’s new in your life?”

But I can do what you’d do

And just say that to everyone.

I guess that’s something.

Hope your next adventure

Is just as exciting.