[The title of this post is a reference to the fifty-sixth episode of one of the best television shows ever.]
Today, I nearly arrived at my destination in California, only to be whisked away (by plan) at the crack of dawn northward, to a small plot of land near the town of Philo. Here I’m spending my day helping out my host and his wife do some work around their property.
When I originally decided to write about the benefits of stress, I had in mind physical stress as much as psychological. I already mentioned how much I enjoy sweeping, but really, any sort of manageable physical work can be fulfilling in moderation, especially for those of us who aren’t used to it. When you’re doing something repetitive and physical, it quiets your mind so that you can think all the thoughts your brain has been wanting to think but didn’t have time to when you were running around being productive or social. I do my best thinking while walking or pacing or running, and I bet if I did more physical work that I’d have some great thoughts then, too.
I’ll let you know what I come up with when I get back to the internet tomorrow.