Last night I went to a session at this local Irish pub for the first time in about five years. Sessions are fantastic, because you get to play music with other people. However, at the session tonight, there was one guy who approached the music like a creepy old guy approaches children. He was paying insufficient attention to the mood of each tune, instead just rocking out in an accelerating fashion on his congas. Now, I’m sure he’s a fantastic elementary school music teacher, but for those of you who aren’t musicians, speeding up in a reckless fashion is BAD. And annoying. Sigh. I suppose the idiom clarified later tonight holds true: 75% of the folkie world are the greatest people you’ll ever meet, but the other quarter are creepy, annoying, arrogant, or generally unpleasant to be around.
Tonight’s Winter Extravadance. Come one come all.