So, it’s been almost a week again. Wow. I’m starting to forget some of the stuff that’s happened since the last time I posted. That’s not good; means I need to post more frequently.
Not that much to report, really. I’ve been dueling wits on facebook with a girl I met at dinner the other day. Fun times. I got deodorant (TMI? Well, I have to rant about this, sorry) the other day. All the men’s stuff was aerosol, antiperspirant, and looked ugly, so I embarrassedly got something that wasn’t blatantly women’s, but was on a shelf with a bunch of women’s stuff. Yet it to turns out to be both aerosol and anti-persp. What’s the deal?? Don’t they have regular stick deodorant and non-antiperspirant? One thought I had was that maybe antiperspirant means something different over here, something that just goes along with the fact that it’s deodorant. But the stuff that we call antiperspirant in the US is bad, because it traps all the sweat inside and the sweat/body doesn’t like that (at least that’s what I hear). And aerosol is just bad for the environment. Grrrrr. Speaking of the environment, I revitalized my other blog, Green Questions, because I’ve started reading the environmental blogs again, and felt like posting. On Saturday we had really nice weather and I went outside for a while. I visited a bunch of cool-looking shops I hadn’t been into yet, and sat in Princes Street Gardens for a bit. While I was sitting on a bench there reading, a little teensy bird came over and sat on the back of the bench for a little while, chirping at me. So cute.
I had some meals with one of the Team America crew, Caitlin, from Babson, because she was sick and all the other people were either out of town or with friends from home. Caitlin lives in my building, and I ate with her and two of her neighbors, both British, one from the Isle of Man. Last night I went to see Little Miss Sunshine with them. I’d seen it on the plane over, so I’d basically seen it already, but it’s good and it was nice to see it with all the swearing intact.
Also, I’ve been having a nice email conversation with my parents about my study habits, which might be generally classified as “bad”, but which I think are just geared toward my priorities and the ways I learn. I’m doing with my college education what I want to, that is, balancing social, personal wellbeing and happiness with academic wellbeing and success. I find I can maintain a reasonable degree of academic success and learning even when focusing much more on personal enjoyment, and that’s the ideal situation for me. As long as I can keep passing my classes with good (not necessarily all A’s) grades, I’m extremely content with my current arrangement.
That’s really about it. Today is the last lecture given by the Philosophy and the Environment lecturer I like more, so I’m excited. Later this week, there’s a meet for CouchSurfing members in Edinburgh; I haven’t decided whether I feel like going yet. In about two weeks, I think it is, I have some people staying with me again. Oh, and I made a super-duper-awesome mix of the bestest of my Celtic Fusion music. I’m going to give it to people, and maybe give copies of it as prizes on my radio show next year.
Oh, another thing. The housefellows for next year have been selected at Conn, and many of them are friends of mine, or at least acquaintances. And one of my best friends is the housefellow of the house I want to and probably will live in! So exciting. If you’re interested, the list is up at Connwiki.
Cheers and hope everything is well with everyone!