So today was fine, tomorrow will be finer. I depart for Glasgow and the Celtic Connection music festival. I’m going to see my favorite band of all time perform on Saturday. Um, can you say THE COOLEST THING EVER? I’m really excited. It’s going to be an adventure. More after the fold.
Today was a normal Wednesday: I got up super early for class at 9, then came back to my room. I took a brief nap before frisbee at 2. It was some of the muddiest Ultimate I’ve ever played. Not the most. I think that honor goes to a game between one of the JV teams I was on and I believe Amherst College B. Ridiculous. Anyway. It was very muddy today. I didn’t play as well as all that. Oh, but one of the guys on the Edinburgh team was on the UK junior worlds team, so I likely saw him when I went to see that tournament over the summer. His name’s Scott. He had an Amherst HS jersey, was how we made the connection. Yeah, I kinda flipped out when he took off his sweatshirt and there was a hurricane logo peering out at me. Number 7. He traded for it at junior worlds. Do any Amherst varsity guys read this? Know who 7 was, who went to worlds? A biscuit (cookie) for whoever gets the answer. I don’t know it.
Anyways, after frisbee I came and washed my socks, ’cause I was out. I’ve now done two hand washes in my sink, ’cause I’m super-frugal like that. Underwear and socks. The bigger stuff is going to be more difficult, but I’ll figure it out; a tshirt wash is coming up very soon. All my frisbee stuff, and my legs, were very muddy. I took a long shower. Went to dinner later, been putting stuff together for tomorrow since then, and listening to the music that I have of the bands I’m seeing this weekend.
So here’s the plan for tomorrow. I’m getting a 12:00 bus into Glasgow, and calling my friend Murray when I get there. I’ll be crashing at his place, at least at first. I found where the venue (and hence my tickets) are on a map, so I can find my way there. I may have a lot of time on my own. It’s gonna be pretty awesome. An adventure of the same caliber as climbing Arthur’s Seat by myself on the second day. Or coming to Hogmanay with no place planned to stay. Foolhardy, do I hear you say? Hell, no. Well, maybe. But these adventures are what this experience is for. Anyways, I’m going to stay until Sunday morning, and then take a 12:00 bus back here. I’m not going to bring my laptop, so I won’t do much until Sunday.
Oh, did I mention there’s supposed to be a big storm tomorrow morning? And then it’s supposed to get cold, and may actually feel like winter, instead of this gloomy wetness from hell that it’s been since we got here.
If you want to call me and check up, my mobile number is 0794 719 7649. From the states, that’s what, 044 at the beginning?
Anyway, a lot of things to think about and do before tomorrow. Love you all.