So, you should be able to post comments, even if you don’t have any sort of account whatsoever. There’s not much more I know of that I can do in that department.
That said, I would encourage you to get a Google account, a Gmail account (that’s the same thing). It’s a great email provider (wonderful spam filter, mmm, yummy), and even if you don’t use it for email, you can use it for things like commenting on my blog! Or starting a blog of your own! Google is a happy thing to be involved in; I generally get positive vibes from them as a corporation. They make lots of free stuff of high quality, and…well yeah, that’s a big thing. And they give their employees tax credits or something good for driving priuses, and consequently their headquarters’ parking lot is full of them. Go Google.
Just go to the google home page and hit “Sign in” in the upper left. Then, down at the bottom right, It says “Don’t have a Google Account? Create an account now”. Click on that. Then go from there!
I’ll post for real again tomorrow; I’m supposed to be meeting someone nowish.