Floating Wind Turbines

From What’s Next Network, a story about this innovation of putting wind turbines far, far offshore by making them float in the water, tethered to the ocean floor, rather than on trusses. It would be a lot cheaper, and enable their deployment at farther distances from shore, which would be A)less aesthetically objectionable (silly nimbies) and B)more productive of energy. I think this is the future of large-scale offshore wind energy.

One Reply to “Floating Wind Turbines”

  1. It would be a lot cheaper, and enable their deployment at farther distances from shore, which would be A)less aesthetically objectionable (silly nimbies) and B)more productive of energy. I think this is the future of large-scale offshore wind energy.

    Not sure it will be cheaper, even after the bugs have all been worked out. Maintenance costs may be higher, and transmission costs will certainly be higher, so . . . I believe distant offshore wind farms will be built someday. Meanwhile, the planet is burning and we should be moving forward rapidly with onshore and offshore wind using existing technology.

    Thomas O. Gray
    American Wind Energy Association

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