White House blog

I’ve been meaning for a while to write a post about how impressive the new White House blog is. Their RSS feed is stylish, their content is neither too long or too short, their tone is very appropriate to the blog medium, and they even post about 6 times every day.

However, their liveblog today of the President’s trip to Canada was an absolute disgrace to the best practices they’ve been demonstrating. It reappeared on my RSS reader every time they made an update, and the updates were widely spaced out. It was just plain annoying. I hope they don’t continue the “live”blogging any more. I have faith. Their jump from inception to sterling blogging practices was nearly instantaneous, leading me to believe the White House bloggers have no problem with a steep learning curve.

While we’re on the subject of blog quality, I am sorely disappointed in Progressive Future’s blog. Progressive Future is the partisan offshoot of U.S. PIRG, which sounds great. Their blog is presented horrifically. The text is all in a block when it reaches my RSS reader, the articles are too long and in too large chunks, they post extremely infrequently, and the blog title comes in all in capital letters. I wish it were better. Maybe when I’m done with this segment of my life I’ll offer my services to whip them into shape if they haven’t been already.